Marvel, Pet Therapist

Registered Service Dog

Area of Focus
Providing comfort and enjoyment to clients

Therapy Competencies
Animal-assisted therapy

Weekdays, daytime (in-person only)

Favourite Recovery Quote
"All dogs are therapy dogs, the majority of them are just freelancing"

Treatment Philosophy
"Usually I just support Elisha and her client's with a big friendly Hello! If you are having big emotions, I will come over and check in with you to see if you need me, but mostly I just sleep in sessions". Animal-assisted therapy is a growing field that uses dogs to help people recover from or better cope by reducing pain, anxiety, depression and fatigue in people with a range of health problems. Pet therapy is being used more and more in non-medical settings to help people deal with anxiety and stress.

Same as Elisha


Stephanie Kolaski, Therapist


Elisha Schafer, Executive Director